blood in a glass dish

Peripheral Blood Smear (PBS) Course Survey

Peripheral Blood Smear (PBS) Course Survey


Which gender do you identify as:
How would you identify yourself?
Please indicate your current level of training
What is your current primary practice setting?
Is your training (or was your training) done at an ACGME accredited institution?

Prior Experiences

For the following questions, please select the answer choices that most correctly identify your prior experiences, ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree.
I have previously received formal education on how to review PBS.
I feel comfortable independently reviewing PBS.
PBS review is an important skill for a modern hematologist.
I have an efficient and effective method for reviewing PBS.
Modern laboratory techniques have eliminated the need for PBS review.
I have previously reviewed an adequate breadth of PBS’s including both common and rare conditions.
I place greater emphasis on reviewing PBS’s for patients with acute conditions that could be life threatening in a matter of hours to days.
I am competent in proposing causes of chronic anemia based on PBS morphology.
I am competent at recognizing distinguishing malignant and non malignant causes of leukocytosis by morphologic findings on a PBS.
I am competent at recognizing common morphologic findings of thrombotic microangiopathy on a PBS.
I currently use digital microscopy for the majority of my PBS review.
I understand the limitations and benefits of digital microscopy compared to traditional compound light microscopy.