blood in a glass dish

Exercises in CBC Interpretation

Exercises in CBC Interpretation

Welcome, and thank you for your interest in our free virtual course on complete blood count (CBC) interpretation. The CBC is the #1 most commonly performed lab tests in North America. In the US alone, over 50 million tests are performed each year. Most physicians are comfortable interpreting the basic parameters of the CBC, especially the white cell count, hemoglobin, mean cell volume and platelet count. Yet, there is so much more information embedded in the CBC, which is largely underappreciated and under-utilized. A single CBC tells a story and CBC time series are even more telling. This brief course will help bring some of the hidden data and patterns to life.

Course Overview:

We will discuss (on Zoom) the various elements of the CBC, using many different examples with the goal of promoting pattern recognition skills to tell stories about patients and their conditions.  

This three-part series targets aspiring hematologists. Sessions include overview (with real examples) of:

  • The hemogram in health and disease
  • The WBC and differential in health and disease
  • The platelet count in health and disease

For the third session, we will invite participants to share unknown CBCs from their own patients!

Course Co-Directors:

William C. Aird, MD, Harvard Medical School
Natalie Bavli, MD, UT Southwestern Medical Center

Course dates and time:

  • Thursday, Nov 2 at 4 pm EST
  • Thursday, Nov 9 at 4 pm EST
  • Thursday, Nov 16 at 4 pm EST

Register for the course
