Platelet Count
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Here we are focusing on the platelet count. The WBC count in this patient is written as 267, which indicates:
- 267 x 109/L
- 267,000/ul
- 267 x 106/ml
- 267 x 106/mm3
The normal range for the platelet count varies between laboratories but is generally 150-450 x 109/L.
Abnormalities in platelet count include:
- Thrombocytopenia(< 150 x 109/L)
- Thrombocytosis (> 450 x 109/L)*
*Some consider 400 as an upper threshold. For a discussion on normal platelet count range, click here.

For an review on thrombocytopenia, see infographic.
For an review on thrombocytosis, see infographic.

For a discussion on platelet clumping, click here.

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