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33 yo M with a long history of recurrent pain, swelling, redness of feet > hands induced by heat, lasting 30-60 min, & relieved with cold. More recently, he has also developed cold-induced tricolor changes in his fingers. Adjusting temperature for one symptom induces the other. He has found a “sweet spot” between 65-72 degrees F (ideally 69 degrees F). Physical exam normal, as was his CBC. ANA negative. This is most certainly a case of concomitant primary erythromelalgia and Raynaud’s.
Learning points:
- Associated with pain, redness, and warmth
- Involves feet more than hands
- Precipitated by warm/hot
- Relieved with cold
- Pathogenesis unknown – maybe hyperemia
- May be primary or secondary
- Treatment is unsatisfactory
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