Key Takeaways
✅ An enlarged spleen is a common imaging finding and has many possible causes.
✅ Splenomegaly most often occurs as a secondary manifestation of a primary disease process.
✅ The most common cause is portal hypertension, often associated with liver cirrhosis.
✅ A single radiological definition of normal splenic size has not been adopted; typical definition of splenomegaly is craniocaudal length > 13 cm.
✅ Massive splenomegaly is often defined as clinically palpable > 8 cm below left costal margin.
✅ Splenomegaly may be classified according to underlying pathophysiological mechanism:
- Increased splenic function (work hypertrophy)
- Infiltration (cells and/or extracellular substances)
- Congestion
✅ Splenomegaly can also be classified according to underlying condition:
- Hematologic
- Infectious
- Congestive
- Inflammatory
- Neoplastic
- Infiltrative
✅ Imaging is required to confirm splenomegaly. Options include:
- Ultrasound
- CT scan with contrast
✅ Initial testing is context dependent but typically involves:
- Hematology
- Peripheral smear
- PT, aPTT
- Biochemistry:
- BUN and creatinine
- Liver function tests
- Vitamin B12
- Microbiology (if indicated)
- Monospot test
- Serology for:
- Toxoplasmosis
- Brucella
- Immunology (if indicated)
- Rheumatoid factor
✅ Treatment is usually directed at the underlying cause. Spleen reduction therapies or Radical splenectomy may be indicated in selected cases.