Knowledge Check

Which of the following is/are true:

Which complete blood count is most likely to belong to a patient with cirrhosis?

The results above are from a patient with cirrhosis. They include a number of clotting factor levels.
True or false: increased PT/INR in a patient with cirrhosis indicates increased risk of periprocedural bleeding.

The above image is from a CT scan of patient with cirrhosis (along with the radiologist’s interpretation of the spleen). True of false: the patient by definition has hypersplenism.
True or false: patients with cirrhosis and elevated PT/INR undergoing an invasive procedure should receive prophylactic FFP transfusion.
Which of the following strategies is recommended by the AASLD for patients with cirrhosis undergoing invasive procedure (more than one answer may apply):
Which of the following TPO agonists are FDA approved for thrombocytopenia in patients with chronic liver disease: