Physical exam
The following describes this patient’s physical exam when you see him in the emergency room:
General appearance: In distress from arm discomfort and worry
Vital signs: Heart rate 97/min, blood pressure 135/89 mmHg, respiratory rate 13/min, T 98oF
Head and neck: No lymphadenopathy
Chest: Normal to inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation
CVS: S1, S2, no extra heart sounds, no murmurs
Abdomen: Soft, non-tender, no hepatosplenomegaly
CNS: No focal changes
Upper extremities: Swollen and tense bilaterally throughout upper extremities, with extensive bruising, edema and discolored grey fingers
This type of bleeding is most typical of:
Orthopedic surgery was consulted to see the patient in the ER. Why?
Click for AnswerER, emergency room
Orthopedic consult
“Given that this is not acute, and its been going on for 5 days at least, I do not think that acute compartment releases would be beneficial for him.”