Shaun Richard McCann received his MB from University College Dublin. He became a Member of The Royal College of Physicians in Ireland (MRCPI), by examination, in 1973. He was a specialist medical fellow at the University of Minnesota from 1974-76. The main focus of his research then was red cell structure and function, especially in hereditary spherocytosis. Shaun became a member of the Royal College of Pathologists (MRCPath) by examination in 1978. He was appointed consultant haematologist to St James’s Hospital, Dublin, and carried out the first successful bone marrow transplant in Ireland in 1984. He was appointed as National Medical Director of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service by the Minister of Health in 1995 during the Hepatitis C controversy. He was appointed Professor of Academic Medicine in Trinity College in 2005, with responsibility for administering the School of Medicine. He was awarded Honorary Fellowship of the College in 2006 (Hon. FTCD). Shaun’s books include Clinical Cases Uncovered: Haematology (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009) and A History of Haematology: From Herodotus to HIV (Oxford University Press, 2016). He has a major interest in wine and published An Immodest Proposal – Wine and Health under his pseudonym Giovanni Morelli and Wine and Blood: An Unlikely Pairing by Shaun McCann in 2020. Shaun has also been writing editorials for the journal Bone Marrow Transplantation on the relationship between haematology and wine since 2018.