Brenda Moore-McCann

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Brenda Moore-McCann received her M.B. at University College Dublin and was medical director of a non-governmental agency, Family Planning Services, before taking a Diploma in the History of European Painting at Trinity College Dublin followed by a B.A. (Mod) in Art History and Classical Civilisation. Her research into the themes of language, perception and identity in the art of the physician, artist, critic and novelist Brian O’Doherty (a.k.a Patrick Ireland) was supported by a Government of Ireland Research Fellowship. She received her PhD at Trinity College Dublin in 2002 and wrote the book, Brian O’Doherty/Patrick Ireland: Between Categories (Lund Humphries, 2009). Brenda served on the Programme Board of the Royal Hibernian Academy, the Art Committee at St. James’s Hospital for many years and was on the Advisory Committee of the Open Window Project in the Transplant Unit, which brought virtual art to the patient’s bedside. She developed the Medical Humanities module, “See—Don’t Just Look: Perception in Medicine and Art” in 2008, which interweaves art and medical imagery for first-year medical students.